Dictate.IT Launches AI Speech Recognition Solutions in Irish Healthcare

Having already expanded into UK primary care in 2021, the introduction of AI-powered speech recognition and dictation is a further healthcare innovation being introduced by Dictate.IT, this time to support those working in Irish healthcare settings to deliver more connected and efficient care to patients. The objective will be to initially roll out the solution to secondary care settings and will be made available to primary settings next year.

The software is designed and delivered by UK-based healthcare technology company Dictate.IT, which was acquired by Clanwilliam Group in 2018.

The Dictate.IT speech suite is available for clinicians to use on PCs or via a mobile app, making dictating letters quick, easy and flexible. In a completely unique offering to the market, the speech software supports a variety of workflows to suit the varying ways of working in busy healthcare settings – either speech to text, speech to secretary or a combination of both. The Dictate.IT solutions are already established in the UK, providing flexible and fast AI-powered speech recognition solutions to 30,000 clinical users.

“The last 18 months have demonstrated the need to continue to innovate and develop the way in which we deliver primary and secondary healthcare. The speech recognition software that we’re announcing today helps to navigate the needs of remote working, all the while supporting clinical and administrative teams in a connected and instant way. Through the experience of Dictate.IT in the UK, we intend to further develop the offering and expand into other regions, including Ireland.”

Jennifer Hughes, Chief Commercial Officer at Clanwilliam Group

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One-Click Dispensing is here!

We are delighted to announce that One-Click Dispensing is now ready for deployment.


This brand new feature was developed to dramatically speed up the dispensing flow for repeat items or items repeated to a patient where no changes have occurred.

After piloting One-Click for a number of weeks, we are delighted to announce that we are now ready to deploy this new game changing feature. Over the coming weeks we will be switching on One-Click for each of our customers. Due to the complexity of this piece of development, the process of onboarding customers will be gradual. Please note, we will be distributing this release on a first come first served basis so we recommend signing up for it as soon as possible. You can now sign up for the update using the link below:

Sign up for One-Click Here


How will it work?

You can download a full user guide here: Download One-Click User Guide.

You can also watch a demonstration of One-Click below.


In short, One-Click Dispensing enables the fast dispensing of electronic prescriptions in ‘one click’, rather than having to navigate through multiple screens to process the prescription and print the labels.

It uses a series of algorithms to determine if each prescription is eligible, which include:

  • The EPS patient is already matched with a local patient in RxWeb.
  • The drug has been dispensed previously within X number of days. The system default is 180 days, but this is configurable.
  • There has been no change to the dosage or quantity since the last dispensing.
  • The drug does not appear on the One-Click Exclusions list.

This is a user configurable list that can be set up via Group Admin. In the To Be Dispensed Queue there is a column with the heading O-C. This stands for One-Click and indicates with a Yes or No whether the prescription is eligible for One-Click Dispensing.

One-Click will allow the dispensing of repeat scripts (eRPT and RPT), as well as, Acute (ACU) scripts (configurable option), which meet the criteria.


What are the benefits?

One-Click Dispensing is going to save you time. A lot of it!


“One-Click is a true game changer for the pharmacy team.”

– Tej Heer, Kamal Enterprises


Based on our review of a typical community pharmacy, we estimate that up to 72% of EPS2 prescriptions could be eligible for One-Click Dispensing. With that figure, the following time savings can be made.

That’s a potential of 228 hours per year, which can be saved or redeployed within the business!

Scripts eligible for One-Click are calculated by looking at how many EPS scripts in a typical community pharmacy would meet the One-Click criteria.

Other benefits include:

  • Check high-level interactions and notes on one screen.
  • Print labels and tokens from the same screen.
  • Complete the exemption check and mark items collected (depending on your chosen system configurations).


“I’m loving it! It makes the process so much easier and faster.”

– Mohammed Mokoddus, Catto Chemists


We are looking forward to getting you all onboarded and using One-Click Dispensing. And we look forward to bringing you more features and functionality throughout the year!

Coming Soon: Remote Payment Solution with Billink

We want to make payments as smooth as possible for our customers so we are delighted to announce our new partnership with Billink.

Billink to make payments in clinical practice easier by focusing relentlessly on simplifying both sides of any transaction. They do this by making it easier for practice staff members to create and manage payments while also making it exceptionally easy for any patient to pay their practice.

In the Billink Dashboard you can now toggle a setting on/off that will automatically send your patients a reminder text message if they have not paid you after 24 hours from the initial Billink being sent. Research shows that text messages achieve a 98% open rate on average and reminders have been shown to result in faster payments to your practice. This feature has now been activated by default. It can deactivate/reactivate this feature any time from inside your Billink dashboard.

All Billink users receive a weekly insights report along with the remittance report. We use the insights report to summarise how well your practice is using Billink compared to the network average as well as listing the patients who still owe the practice fees from outstanding Billink payments from the previous week.

And the claims of ‘I never got that’ are now officially a thing of the past! Billink has added in functionality that allows you to see exactly when the message was sent, viewed and paid by the patient. You will also be able to see these details for all resent Billink and automatic reminders.

Introducing Video consulting for iMedDoc

At iMedDoc we are committed to helping you however best we can at all times but particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic.

With this in mind, we are happy to announce that video consultations are now available in your system. Our development team has worked around the clock to deliver this functionality in the hope that it will make your day-to-day activities a little bit easier.

iMedDoc allows you to virtually see and consult with your patients online. Using our in-house purpose built video consultation platform, we are making healthcare visits more accessible for everyone. All you and your patient will need is access to the internet and virtually any device, ranging from a PC or Mac to a mobile device or tablet. Once you make a video consultation booking with in the system your patient will receive an automated confirmation email with a link to their appointment.

The process is very simple, you share a link with your patient and they click on the link to enter the video consultation. They can see you and you can see them via the camera on both of your devices. We recommend that you use the system via a broadband connection to ensure the best possible results.

Literally everything is handled via our cloud based HD video conferencing system meaning all communications take place within the secure parameters of our system. iMedDoc HD video conferencing integrates seamlessly, is completely scalable and there is zero infrastructure, setup or maintenance cost. And seeing as we have developed it ourselves it is possible for larger clinic groups to brand their video consultation experience.


iMedDoc is now part of Clanwilliam Group

Clanwilliam Group expands its healthcare technology and services portfolio with EMR and clinical outcome software provider, iMedDoc

Cork-headquartered, iMedDoc Software specialises in cloud-based EMR solutions for Surgeons, Physiotherapists and many other specialists, as well as clinical outcome software used in a range of specialities such as orthopaedics, gynaecology and neurology.

The company’s expertise in cloud-based technology will complement Clanwilliam Group’s diverse and trusted product range across the UK & Ireland and Asia-Pacific territories.

Howard Beggs, CEO of Clanwilliam Group, said:

“We are very pleased to start the year by welcoming KM Medical Software into the Clanwilliam Group family of businesses. Innovation is always high on our strategic agenda and KM Medical’s impressive products and technology stack fits extremely well with Clanwilliam’s growth strategy. Our immediate focus is on the clear and exciting synergies between iMedOrtho, KM’s cloud-based clinical outcomes solution, and our NHS Trust and Hospital product portfolio and customer base in the UK.

“As with any of our acquisitions, KM customers can be confident that we will continue to uphold the high standards of service that they are used to while we explore value-adding integration and collaboration opportunities between our various primary and secondary healthcare software solutions.”

Mr. Mahalingam, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, Mater Private Hospital and iMedDoc founder said:

“My wife Mary and I started the business in Cork in 2005.We were one of the first healthcare companies to adopt what was then emerging cloud platforms. We initially designed software products to solve the challenges I had in my own orthopaedic practice and the company has continuously evolved since that time. We are delighted by the success of our core product as well as innovations like that of our clinical outcomes software and take this opportunity to thank our clients for their trust over the years, our partners, including Focus Capital, Enterprise Ireland, Cresco for their continued support and my team, led by Andrew O’ Donoghue, who worked tirelessly on these services. Their hard work has been greatly appreciated.”

“We’re very proud to be joining Clanwilliam in creating a digitally connected healthcare environment for medical professionals. We look forward to introducing our products to new customers, in new territories with the ultimate goal of advancing patient care.”





Epilepsy NZ educators continue to provide life-changing support

Epilepsy New Zealand educators are providing life-changing support to people around the country diagnosed with epilepsy.

The charitable organisation’s team of trained educators provide free support, information, advocacy and education to people living with epilepsy.

E-Referrals can be made to Epilepsy NZ using CareSelect.

One person with epilepsy describes the life-changing impact an Epilepsy NZ educator had on their life.

“My first seizure came out of the blue. I felt scared, vulnerable and worried about the future for me and my family. However, my world changed after I reached out to an educator.

“They spoke with me and I felt for the first time someone was listening as I offloaded all my worries, fears, and uncertainties for the future, myself and my family. I felt validated for first time since my first seizure occurred.”

The educator linked their family to community support and helped them navigate the situation with their employer.

“I was able to put a care plan in place, should I have a seizure at work. Educators are a vital support service for all people and communities living with or without epilepsy. Me and my extended whānau are forever grateful for the support we received.”

Support groups key

Epilepsy affects around 1% of the population and an estimated 48,000-50,000 people have epilepsy in New Zealand, Epilepsy NZ chief executive Ross Smith says.

Once a person has been diagnosed with epilepsy by their neurologist or GP, Epilepsy NZ continues the education and support.

“We’re part of the wider healthcare team and we help the person in their journey, supporting them every step of the way,” Ross says.

Support groups are a key part of that support, says one educator.

“Sometimes the diagnoses and impact of seizures can knock the resilience of individuals. Support group attendees benefit from the group experience, often soaking up information and learning effective coping strategies from other participants who are doing well.

“There is no time limit on when they share their personal story. When the individual feels the time is right, they often open up about their challenges and fears.”

Support at schools

Another educator describes the support offered at schools.

“After a prolonged seizure, I met with a young girl and her family to help them understand more about different types of seizures, first aid, seizure management plan (SMP) suggestions and ideas for her at home and school.

“I went to the young girl’s school, to give an understanding epilepsy training session to the teaching staff. We also talked about the young girl’s SMP, and other challenges she may face. Learning about epilepsy, her seizures and the SMP, really helped them all to have more awareness and gain confidence.”

How to refer to Epilepsy New Zealand:

  • Open the patient record
  • Select the HealthLink icon
  • Use the CareSelect search bar, type “Epilepsy New Zealand”
  • Click “Compose Referral”.

Introducing One-Click Dispensing

We are delighted to introduce our new game-changing feature, One-Click Dispensing.

We understand the growing pressures on pharmacies to adopt a more service-led role within public healthcare. As your PMR provider, we see it as our responsibility to work with our customers to bring new efficiencies and improved workflows to your RxWeb system, freeing you up to focus on what matters, delivering exceptional care to the public.

This brand new feature was developed to dramatically speed up the dispensing flow for repeat items or items repeated to a patient where no changes have occurred.


So how does it work?

One-Click uses a series of algorithms to check each prescription downloaded into the “To Be Dispensed” queue to check if they are eligible for One-Click Dispensing.

The algorithms check that each item to be dispensed is for a known patient and meets the One-Click criteria, which includes the following checks:

  • The drug is one that has been dispensed previously for the patient within x days (system default is 180 days, but this is configurable).
  • There has been no change to the directions.
  • There has been no change to the dosage.
  • The drug does not appear in the ‘One-Click Exclusions’ list (created and managed by you).

There are a number of configuration options within RxWeb to allow you to set certain algorithms so that the system will work in the best way for your pharmacy, keeping you in control.


What types of prescriptions will One-Click cover?

One-Click will allow the dispensing of repeat scripts (eRPT and RPT), as well as, Acute (ACU) scripts (configurable option), which meet the criteria.


What are the benefits?

One-Click Dispensing is going to save you time. A lot of it!

Based on our review of a typical community pharmacy, we estimate that up to 72% of EPS2 prescriptions could be eligible for One-Click Dispensing. With that figure, the following time savings can be made.

That’s a potential of 228 hours per year, which can be saved or redeployed within the business!

Scripts eligible for One-Click are calculated by looking at how many EPS scripts in a typical community pharmacy would meet the One-Click criteria.

Other benefits include:

  • Check high-level interactions and notes on one screen.
  • Print labels and tokens from the same screen.
  • Complete the exemption check and mark items collected (depending on your chosen system configurations).


When do you get it?

One-Click will be included in the next system release scheduled for the coming weeks. Initially, One-Click will be piloted by a small number of customers before being released to everyone early in the new year. Once available, you will be able to switch it on at your own discretion. Early testing and feedback have been hugely positive.

We are very excited for you all to get your hands on this brilliant new feature. We have enjoyed bringing our customers some truly innovative updates throughout the year and we look forward to bringing even more in 2022.